Monday 1st June update
From Monday 1 June, there are a limited number of things you will be able to do in England that you could not do before:
- spend time outdoors, including private gardens and other outdoor spaces, in groups of up to six people from different households, following social distancing guidelines
- visit car showrooms and outdoor markets
- in line with the arrangements made by your school, send your child to school or nursery if they are in early years, reception, year 1 or year 6, if you could not before
- if you are an elite athlete as defined by this guidance, train and compete using the specified gyms, pools and sports facilities you need – which will, in the coming weeks, we hope enable others to watch live sport on TV
The overall guidance is to remain alert to control the virus. This means you must:
- stay at home as much as possible
- work from home if you can
- limit contact with other people
- keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
- wash your hands regularly
Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.
For more information on the latest Coronavirus advice from the Government please visit their website here. This includes information on what you currently can and can’t do, as well as advice on how to get tested, financial support and other useful topics.
For more information and advice for residents in Northumberland regarding the Coronavirus please visit Northumberland County Council’s website here.