Update regarding arrangements for Remembrance Weekend



In line with Government advice, and in order to protect the public, the arrangements for the residents of Hexham to remember those who gave so much in the wars and conflicts of the 20th Century will be curtailed but not dispensed with.  It has been decided that, reluctantly, there should be no mass gatherings in order to ensure that social distancing is respected. Consequently there will be no parade through the town and there will be no regular or reserve troops marching with the civil organisations in support. In an effort to reduce the numbers of people attending the service at 11.00 am on 8th November, Northumberland County Council have declined to post a road closure in Beaumont Street. In a similar vein, the Rector of Hexham Abbey, the Reverend David Glover has decided not to host the ecumenical service in the Abbey following the laying of the wreaths.

The Covid 19 guidelines have advised against the use of wind instruments so, again, the attendance by the Hexham Brass Band and the Abbey Mens Choir will not be present.

Councillor Tom Gillanders who has been responsible for the planning and organisation of the Remembrance Weekend said this week “While remembrance will be very different this year we would urge all our residents to help mark the sacrifice of those who did so much for us. This could be by having a moment of reflection within our own homes, perhaps with the TV switched to the London cenotaph ceremony. The important thing is to stay safe and to protect others. The only invitees for the 11.00 am service will be those representing the armed forces and civic dignitaries. I know that many organisations and clubs will wish to show their respects and to remember former members at this time of year, by laying a wreath on the War Memorial. These groups are asked to lay their wreath on the memorial at any stage between 8th November and 11.00 am on the 11th November. But please remember to observe social distancing. The Town Council also recognises that while some people will wish to attend the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday they are discouraged from doing so.”

On the 7th November in St Andrew’s Cemetery there will be a short service of remembrance and reflection while the Town Council places a poppy cross on each of the 41 war graves within the cemetery in order to mark their sacrifice. This ceremony will commence at 10.00 am and all are welcome as it is held in the open air with plenty of room to observe social distancing. Face coverings will be worn.