If you have been on social media lately you may have seen our posts about the Rules and Rogues of Hexham. You will now start to see them popping up in shop windows. Now you can join this fun historical trail through Hexham. Peer into shop and business windows to find the rules of Hexham from 1796 onwards and find out about the Rogues who broke those rules.
Use this link to find out what to do Historical Hexham Window Trail Instructions
Use this link to download a map Historical Hexham Windows Trail Map
Use this link to download the quiz Historical Hexham Window Quiz
All the Rules and Rogues featured are the real thing and actually happened, they were recorded in the Borough Books which are kept in Northumberland Archives.
If you would like to find out more Northumberland Archives are bringing an exhibition to Hexham Abbey from 24th September onwards as part of the celebrations of 800 years since Hexham’s First Market Charter was signed.
Make sure you come and join in all the fun on Saturday 24th September 2022 at 12.22pm in Hexham Marketplace for a lively afternoon of street theatre and be a part of the fun and high jinks about to happen when a Time Travellers’ Flash Mob is unleashed in Hexham.
While you are there do not forget to visit the special display in Hexham old Gaol.
We are packing 800 years of history into three and a half hours. It is going to be a busy afternoon!