
The Council provides over 100 allotments. These are at Quatre Bras, Wydon Park and Dene Park.


The Council has three allotment sites: at Quatre Bras (near the Broadway), at Dene Park (rear of Monk’s Terrace) and at Wydon Park (south of Wydon reservoir). Many plots at Quatre Bras have been halved as the normal size plot proved too large for some people to keep under cultivation. If you put your name on the waiting list for a plot at Quatre Bras you have the choice of requesting a whole plot or a half size one.

Allotments have become very popular and there is strong demand so unfortunately the Council currently has a long waiting list. However, the Council is also looking for potential additional allotment sites.

Tenancies are yearly and commence each 1st October.  Allotment rents are reviewed by the Council annually and any rental changes take effect on the tenancy anniversary date. The rents due in October 2023 are £75 for a full plot or £45 for a half plot.

The Town Council is keen to promote biodiversity in the town. Councillors have prepared this guide (Allotment Guide) to give some ideas to allotment tenants on how to make Hexham’s growing spaces more sustainable and productive. The Council hopes you find it useful and welcomes any comments you may have.

As of spring 2022, Hexham Town Council is also running a garden sharing scheme called Grow Hexham. This project matches up gardeners with unused space in other people’s gardens. We have lots of gardens being offered all around the town which are available to start growing in now! It’s completely free to take part and any produce you grow would be shared between you and the host of the garden, with any surplus being offered to Hexham Community Grocery. To find out more have a look at Grow Hexham’s Facebook page : or email

If you have anything you wish to have dealt with urgently,  please contact the Town Clerk on 01434 609575 or 07710 053732.

You can write at any time to Hexham Town Council,  Council Office,  St Andrew’s Cemetery,  West Road,  Hexham NE46 3RR.

You can download an Allotment Application Form here and Allotment Tenancy Agreement 2022 here.