How to Contact the Council


Hexham Town Council
Council Office
St. Andrew’s Cemetery
West Road
NE46 3RR

Or email the Town Clerk at

Daytime Number: 01434 609575 (office)


Steven English, Operations Manager: 07891 101236

Please leave your name and number if no one answers and your call will be returned.

How do I contact a Town Councillor? All the Councillors have their photo, email address and phone number on this Town Council website.

Why should I contact a Town Councillor?  Councillors are elected in order to assist the people of Hexham in whichever way they can. As part of their responsibilities each Councillor is attached to a specific Committee and if a Hexham resident has concerns then one of the Ward Councillors can raise that concern directly with the appropriate Committee. If the Committee considers the concerns to be valid then the Committee can make recommendations for change to the Council.

How can I find out more or become more involved? Town Council meetings are advertised on the Notice Board outside the Moot Hall and on this website.  Local residents are welcome to attend. If you want to be more involved, please speak to one of the Councillors.

There are still some unanswered questions,  where do I go? There is a wealth of material on this website including information on what’s happening,  details of upcoming events and much more.

Finally,  what if the Town Councillors are unable to assist as the matter is controlled by the County Council? Although Hexham Town Council has an advisory role in many aspects where Northumberland County Council has ultimate authority,  some responsibilities (such as education,  the upkeep of roads and pavements,  and parking) are retained completely by the County Council.  You can,  however,  contact the County Council directly through its website at or through your County Councillor  –  there is one for each of the three wards in Hexham. County Councillors are entitled to raise residents’ concerns at County Council meetings or with the relevant County Council staff.