Flood Alert: River Tyne


A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency.

Flood Alert in force: River Tyne. Flooding is possible for: The River Tyne from Hexham to Wylam and its tributaries.

Be prepared.

River levels are forecast to rise on the River Tyne and its tributaries as a result of persistent heavy rainfall today which is forecast to continue overnight and into Wednesday. Consequently, flooding of riverside footpaths and low lying land and roads is expected from 22:00 today, 19/01/21.

Further heavy rainfall is forecast to continue falling across the catchment for the next few days and consequently we expect river levels to remain high.

We are closely monitoring the situation and will issue Flood Warnings if necessary. Our incident response staff are out on the ground checking defences and clearing any blockages from rivers.

Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.

To check the latest information for your area visit the GOV.UK website to see the current flood warnings, view river and sea levels or check the 5-day flood risk forecast: https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/target-area/121WAF910