Hexham Tourism Strategy Adopted


At the meeting of the Council on 8 March 2021 a Tourism Strategy and Action Plan for Hexham town, put together by a Working Group of experts and representatives from the tourism sector set up by Hexham Town Council, was adopted.

The draft Strategy went to public consultation earlier this year and received nearly 100 responses, with a large proportion of respondents being in support of the Strategy and the priorities and actions identified within it.

The next steps in implementing the Strategy are already underway, with the qualitative responses to the consultation being analysed. These will be used to produce a more detailed Action Plan to work towards the forthcoming tourist season (when restrictions allow) and also in the longer term. A report on the volume and value of tourism in Hexham is also in the early stages of development and will provide a useful picture of the current tourism situation for Hexham.

Councillor Tom Pearson, Chair of the Town Council’s Community Engagement Committee, said “The Strategy aims to enhance and diversify visitor experience in the town, improving Hexham’s reputation as a tourist destination to help boost the local economy. I would like to thank our community and business representatives who engaged with the strategy consultation and continue to shape future plans for the town.”