Casual Vacancy for Town Councillor

Elections for one casual vacancy in the Priestpopple ward has not been required to take place and the Town Council can now proceed to fill the vacancies by co-option.

Any eligible person who wishes to be considered should contact the Town Council at the address shown below. The deadline for completed applications (application pack below) is 12 noon on Friday 30th August.

As these vacancies have arisen between the ordinary round of elections (normally every 4 years) they are classed as a Casual Vacancies.

Term of Office
The next round of Ordinary Parish Council Elections is scheduled to take place in May 2025. The successful candidate should expect to serve up to the fourth day after the ordinary day of elections.

Qualifications for Candidature
To be eligible, a person MUST be a British Citizen (or of the Commonwealth, Republic of Ireland, or European Union), who has attained the age of 18 years of age and is:

  • registered as a local government elector for the parish;
  • and/or who has during the whole of the twelve months preceding the appointment occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the parish;
  • and/or his/her principal or only place of work during that 12 months has been in the parish; and/or
  • has during those 12 months resided in the parish or within 8 kilometres (3 miles)

There are also certain disqualifications for election (S.80 of the Local Government Act 1972)[1] see below.


holding a paid office with the Council, bankruptcy, having been sentenced to a term of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) of not less than three months, without the option of a fine during the five years preceding the election, being disqualified under any enactment relating to corrupt or illegal practices.

Application Pack – please send completed application forms to or deliver to Town Clerk, Hexham Town Council, Council Office, St Andrew’s Cemetery, West Road, Hexham, NE46 3RR.


Casual Vacancy Co-option Letter for Applicants

HTC co-option-application-form

Casual Vacancy Policy

The Good Councillors Guide nalc publication

It takes all sorts – nalc publication