Speak Up 2020
Have your say on local NHS, health and social care services in the Healthwatch Northumberland Annual Survey 2020. It might be a new year but your experiences from 2019 still matter. Health services include hospital services, GPs, dentists, pharmacists, mental health and ambulance services. Social care is care in the home or in a residential or nursing care home.
By telling us about the care you received and what’s important to you, you can help us set our work for the coming year so that we can be more effective on your behalf.
You can also come and talk to us and tell us what you think of health and social care services at one of our public events across the county: bit.ly/HWNAnnualSurveyEvents2020, leave feedback online: bit.ly/HWNSpeakUp2020 or call 03332 408468 for a postal copy (freepost return). Let us know about your experiences, what went well and what could be improved, and together we can help make care better for everyone in Northumberland.
For more information please contact Healthwatch Northumberland through the above links.